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Squirten   22-07-2019

Wat vinden jullie van vrouwen die squirten tijdens een orgasme. Ik word daar zelf heel opgewonden van en vind het heerlijk om de squirt dan op te vangen in mijn mond. Zijn er meer die dit lekker vinden.

1 Reacties, 5 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,5.20 Score
LordBazillion 61 M
3  Artikelen
Spit or swallow?   06-02-2019

Dear ladies, <br><br> Do you enjoy giving a blowjob? What do or don't you like about it? And when he cums, do you spit? Swallow? Or won't you let him cum in your mouth at all?

1 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,2.42 Score
LordBazillion 61 M
3  Artikelen
At what age did you lose your virginity?   05-12-2018

When was your first time and where? Who was your first partner? How good was it?

0 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,3.37 Score
wannesbi2 66 M
1  Artikel
Self-spanking   05-03-2017

Ik heb sinds kort de geneugten van spanking ontdekt. Om precies te zijn : self-spanking.

Ik hou van het geluid van de klappen. En Ik geniet van de pijn. Liefst sla ik mij met een lederen zweepje. Het plekje waar ik het meest van geniet zijn mijn ballen. Vooral als ik ze net geschoren heb.

Maar waar ik echt van opgewonden geraak is dit te doen voor mijn webcam en weten dat er ...

2 Reacties, 16 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,3.80 Score
Erikjan27 31 M
1  Artikel
bruiloft   04-08-2016

Goedenavond allemaal Ik ga jullie vertellen een liefdesverhaal Wat zich deze week heeft afgespeeld Tijdens de jaarlijkse fruitteelt Bartje, een schone boerenjongen Een stoere bink en ook nog eens wereldkampioen pingpongen Huppelde met zijn emmertje door het weiland van zijn ouders Dat waren nog van die ouderwetse veehouders Om te gaan melken hun 2 lievelingskoeien Die daar heftig stonden te ...

0 Reacties, 21 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,2.53 Score
Your oldest sexpartner   09-07-2012

How old was your oldest sexpartner? How much older was he/she?

5 Reacties, 35 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,2.79 Score
Aneros   11-08-2011

Hi i wonder how many men slash Ts here have tried the aneros anal prostate stimulator, i own one myself and i can say for sure it gives incredidable orgasms even orgasm without cumming.. tell me your experiences please

1 Reacties, 40 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,1.30 Score
rm_monika6662 59 V
14  Artikelen
filmen   10-09-2008

Wie heeft er al eens zijn eigen sex gefilmd? Waaroom heb je dat gedaan? Was het achteraf opwindend om naar te kijken?

12 Reacties, 398 Bezichtigingen, 42 Stemmen ,5.16 Score
bikergirlfinder 64 M
1  Artikel
Sex met een collega   06-07-2008

Heb een collega waarmee ik al een flinke tijd redelijk close ben. Zo af en toe bouwt er ook een spanning op. Fysiek contact is van beide kanten heel normaal, ook delen we regelmatig de ervaringen. Ze heeft een goddelijk lichaam maar ik ben toch wel bang dat door die laatste stap te nemen en er voor te gaan er problemen kunnen ontstaan en de goede verhouding wordt verstoord. Uit haar gedrag en ...

3 Reacties, 107 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,4.48 Score
Buurvrouw neuken   20-11-2007

iemand al meegemaakt?

6 Reacties, 321 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,2.57 Score
Ik wil graag neuken met de beste vriendin van mijn vrouw   20-11-2007

Hoe kan ik ervoor zorgen dat ik de beste vriendin van mijn vrouw neuk zonder het haar te vertellen...

7 Reacties, 296 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,1.19 Score
rm_monika6662 59 V
14  Artikelen
sexgeheimpjes   17-08-2006

iedereen heeft veel sex geheimptjes en fantasien, ik droom over door 2 of 3 mannen worden gepakt, mischien blijft fantasie mischien word het reeel als ik het durf is vraag 1 maar sta er echt voor open ik denk dat je alles eens moet proberen in het leven het leven is maar zo kort...

17 Reacties, 1206 Bezichtigingen, 115 Stemmen ,6.77 Score
rm_cyberziel 59 M
1  Artikel
Vreemd tussen de massa   07-06-2006

Ben eens naar een concert gegaan waar iedereen moest blijven zitten. Voor mij zaten 3 vriendinnen , het eerste uur keken ze steeds achterom , waar door ik mijn stoute schoenen aan deed en de leukste van de 3 wat geile wordjes in het oor sprak . Tot mijn verbazing was ze niet voor de poes . Dus zette ik alles op alles en begon haar stiekem in de nek te kussen en gleed stiekem met mijn ...

0 Reacties, 584 Bezichtigingen, 33 Stemmen ,2.87 Score
1stimeCock 53 M
1  Artikel
Straight guy secretly desires to experience Hard horny Cock   15-10-2023

For yrs I’ve been watching other men’s cocks, going to a male only sauna, knowing what happens in the place, I’ve watched men moan with pleasure as they surrender themselves and their bodies to each other, they know that I’m watching even open offers to join in with them, but I loose my nerve, even as what I’m seeing is totally turning me on, as I sat naked in the steam room, watch ...

0 Reacties, 30 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,5.00 Score
G000dbuddy 36 M
23  Artikelen
He’s Good in Bed   03-09-2022

He's Got Great Moves Awesome moves on the dance floor can often translate well in the boudoir. Good dancers often have good coordination and are in touch with their own body, skills that come in handy when it comes to sex. The other part of the equation is that those who are ready to flaunt it on the dance floor are more likely to be able to let loose in the bedroom. <br><br> He ...

2 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,5.00 Score
G000dbuddy 36 M
23  Artikelen
Practically Bare Bosoms   02-09-2022

No matter where you look or what you do, you are bound to spot a few well-developed, curvaceous breasts staring at you from quite a few vantage points. As if that weren't enough, the world has given us wet t-shirt contests, see-through fabrics, string bikinis, and balconettes to emphasize the very simple fact that a woman's breasts are one of her most important features. ...

5 Reacties, 13 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
Ckm2132 41 M
2  Artikelen
I have a lot of secrets.   08-08-2021

I have a lot of secrets that I would love to share. But the that sticks out the most is when me and this girls fucked while driving down the eway. What a exciting and amazing experience. We fucked so hard and I came all in her pussy. Man that was amazing

0 Reacties, 20 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
dess36 53 M
180  Artikelen
My pictures naked in public   15-04-2021

My pictures naked in public, I like and very people look me, I am very exhibitionist and pig je je , enjoy , I like exposed here, very morbid...

20 Reacties, 162 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,2.45 Score
na. Hahahah   08-03-2021

@LouisTalley2 You a bitch

0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
tsloverrich 61 M
1  Artikel
Caught   15-02-2021

I was a married, around 22 years old. I had an old school friend that just got back from an out of town job. He had been gone for a couple of years. I told him to come over. We had never really fooled around as , got naked a couple of times. We were all drinking when the wife said she was going to bed. My friend said, remember when we used to get naked? I knew from his look where this was going. ...

2 Reacties, 337 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,4.10 Score
dess36 53 M
180  Artikelen
With my niece   15-02-2021

This happened a long time ago, I spent a lot of time with her, first let her see me while I masturbated in my room..., look at the photos...

36 Reacties, 391 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,3.81 Score
Don't forget   08-02-2021

It's the last inch that counts.

0 Reacties, 23 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
astonct8 43 M
6  Artikelen
How to have shared orgasms at the same time as your partner   21-01-2021

I experienced this quite a few times, and every partner I've experienced it with was a mature woman usually between 35 and 65 years old. Those lessons I've shared below; <br><br> Did you know that studies show sexual satisfaction can last 48-hours after act and stronger 'after-glow', better relationship in long-term? <br><br> Here are 6 tips help ...

4 Reacties, 116 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,4.80 Score
Playing with others   18-01-2021

What is the most fun thing that you have done in group encounter. Explain some of the amazing positions and experiances.

0 Reacties, 61 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
MY COUSIN   19-11-2020

I WAS YOUNG WHEN I STARTED TO WANK GUY NEXT DOOR we go allotments and he drive there strip me naked suck kiss my little bald cock so when i took my cousin down corn fields and forced him to strip naked he would cry when i made him suck me ad be rock solid no pubes his tears would roll down my balls then one day down back woods some thing append legs buckled fell to floor i was afraid i cred but ...

10 Reacties, 309 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,5.93 Score
dess36 53 M
180  Artikelen
Humiliated   31-10-2020

My secret is that I like to be sexually humilitated, I let myself do everything, I am extremely submissive, ask me what you want...

20 Reacties, 207 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,5.20 Score
RomanticDom71 53 M
3  Artikelen
Oddest place I've ever screwed someone, halloween edition.   18-10-2020

This happened years and years ago. I was twenty and she was nineteen. We, as typical young couples do, were looking for somewhere quiet to go necking. AS I was driving around the small town I grew up in I passed the cemetery. I parked on the street near the cemetery and we walked around looking for old headstones etc. As it started to get dark out we found ourselves at the front side of a ...

2 Reacties, 100 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,5.57 Score
dess36 53 M
180  Artikelen
Sex in public,morbid   15-09-2020

I like sex with public, and very very morbid, I have practiced it many times and it is very morbid, look my pictures, I am very exhibitionist..., you like?

28 Reacties, 340 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,5.00 Score
dess36 53 M
180  Artikelen
On the beach,Barcelona   24-08-2020

Iam the Barcelona, the pictures are made on the beach of Badalona, I like to be exposed naked in front of many people, look and use my images I like...

80 Reacties, 555 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,4.50 Score
sex joy   22-08-2020

sex is a special time that we should not miss any moment of it

0 Reacties, 26 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,3.12 Score
duckman869 62 S
5  Artikelen
sex with sister in law   20-08-2020

Went to a conference last year in in the DC area and on my way back home stopped in at my wife's brother and sister in laws to spend the rest of the weekend with them and just relax. When I arrived she was at work and not getting home until around 9pm. So him and I started drinking him wine and me whiskey sours having a great time telling stories . After awhile he decided we need to ...

36 Reacties, 832 Bezichtigingen, 24 Stemmen ,6.54 Score
dess36 53 M
180  Artikelen
Covid-19   17-08-2020

Times of pandemic, we have to move on, sex is good therapy, a lot of strength world...

24 Reacties, 214 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,5.00 Score
Illbcnu6996 36 M
5  Artikelen
Facial hair   14-08-2020

Do you ladies enjoy a man going down on you with facial more than a man thats clean shaven?

3 Reacties, 42 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,2.42 Score
Get to suck best friends cock   21-07-2020

Lou and I have been best friends for 35 years. Him and I used to feed and breed my wife together, but I've always wanted to suck his cock. I did get to suck it one time but never swallowed for him and he wouldn't let me again no matter how many times I asked. <br><br> This last Saturday we got stoned and had a few drinks and I proposed sucking his cock again. He didn't ...

10 Reacties, 440 Bezichtigingen, 15 Stemmen ,6.04 Score
smilybob2214 37 M
1  Artikel
on here   21-07-2020

my sex secret is on here , apart from people i meet off here no one knew im on here im very shy in normal life where as i out of shell on here

1 Reacties, 60 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,1.04 Score
dess36 53 M
180  Artikelen
With a broken ass   13-07-2020

Look at me pictures with a broken ass, you have my permission to display them wherever you want...I like..., I am very exhibitionist...

3 Reacties, 116 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,5.00 Score
dess36 53 M
180  Artikelen
In the beach   25-06-2020

In the beach, in the mountain, in the stret...I like exhibition in public, look my pictures and use I like look very people...I am very exhibitionis, enjoy...

14 Reacties, 144 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,2.42 Score
Illbcnu6969 37 M
9  Artikelen
First time   19-06-2020

Does any one have a story about losing their virginity in the most unexpected or unusual way?

1 Reacties, 44 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,5.00 Score
Illbcnu6969 37 M
9  Artikelen
First time   19-06-2020

Does any one have a story about losing their virginity in the most unexpected or unusual way?

0 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
dess36 53 M
180  Artikelen
Naked with public,enjoy!   20-05-2020

Naked with public I like look, use my pictures I am very exhibitionist and very pig...je je je, my fantastic images, kisses wold...

9 Reacties, 138 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,5.00 Score
tightsmoothfuck 30 M
8  Artikelen
Got fucked by my friend's ex   01-05-2020

My friend's ex was super hot and after a day hanging at a pool, he drilled me good in his bedroom while everyone else was outside.I swallowed his load and we went right back outside. One of the hottest fucks.

6 Reacties, 332 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,4.79 Score
JDinDelcoPA 39 M
1  Artikel
What would happen if you told your partner?   27-04-2020

I wonder how much fear people have about their sexual fantasies and desires is rooted in reality? <br><br> Are you afraid to tell your partner because they won't understand? Will they feel hurt? will it harm your relationship? <br><br> Why would anyone be in a relationship if they couldn't be open? <br><br> isn't it the secrets that slowly create ...

4 Reacties, 45 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,5.00 Score
twcga 50 M
0  Artikelen
Interracial cuckold humiliation fantasies   25-04-2020

Interracial cuckold humiliation fantasies with a white woman who loves superior much larger size black cocks for me to surrender defeat beneath it for her and I serve as her sissy submissive cum slut cuckold whore

0 Reacties, 140 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,4.90 Score
Georgiaman2819 30 M
1  Artikel
BIRTHDAY   16-04-2020

Wish I could have someone meet me one night at the park infront of my house

1 Reacties, 54 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,4.02 Score
desire50shades 54 M
15  Artikelen
COVID 19 Sex with my Neighbor.   14-04-2020

We are very close with out neighbors next door and I have to tell you about what happened last week. My wife does the grocery shopping and next door the man of the house does the shopping as well. Last week when they went grocery shopping in the morning, my neighbor asked me if I had an extra stick of butter she could borrow since she was in the middle of baking. I said sure and I will bring it ...

5 Reacties, 308 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,4.57 Score
desire50shades 54 M
15  Artikelen
COVID 19 Sex with my Neighbor.   14-04-2020

We are very close with out neighbors next door and I have to tell you about what happened last week. My wife does the grocery shopping and next door the man of the house does the shopping as well. Last week when they went grocery shopping in the morning, my neighbor asked me if I had an extra stick of butter she could borrow since she was in the middle of baking. I said sure and I will bring it ...

6 Reacties, 194 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,3.04 Score
Adventurecpl47 76 S
16  Artikelen
Cream pie in the lady   13-03-2020

I my days as a single man. I enjoyed fucking. It was normal that after I cum, there was a ritual of her leaving, the water running and she comes back with her pussy washed. Sometimes we would use the bed sheet. She knew that I would go down to eat her pussy for extra orgasms. We thought the cum was all gone and I did not notice the different taste. I just enjoyed giving the extra orgasms. On one ...

7 Reacties, 350 Bezichtigingen, 13 Stemmen ,4.65 Score
cdreamer69 59 M
15  Artikelen
overtaken   11-03-2020

ive been seeing my gf for a couple years now and the sex has always been great. we both love to please and at times cant get enough. Recently i found a few lesbian magazines tucked under some newspapers. Being so open to things and especially loving girl on girl videos etc. I began flipping through them, They were 4 or 5 years old. Loving the pictures and reading some of the amature articles ...

3 Reacties, 201 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,2.51 Score
zaktpe 45 M
1  Artikel
Does a size making a different?   06-03-2020

Some girls like a long dick but some like it wide, I'm always wondering if the penetration that's what matters or it's actually the fantasy itself. <br><br> Would like to hear from the girls here what they think.

0 Reacties, 134 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,5.20 Score
dess36 53 M
180  Artikelen
Use my pictures X X X   29-02-2020

Use my pictures I am very exhibitionist, I like many people see me, you have my authorization to copy and display them, it excites me..., do you like them?

6 Reacties, 123 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,5.00 Score
Hotoneigotone 44 M
2  Artikelen
Everything ain't for everybody   20-02-2020

I believe we should not tell the whole world everyone we have sex with.

0 Reacties, 23 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,1.96 Score
stringtime666 63 M
6  Artikelen
cam view/show   19-02-2020

one thing i got to know here is watching the cams. I find it hot to be there in real time. When I showed myself with a cam, I found it exciting when it was written that people enjoyed watching me. I have no real experiences with men, but it is mainly men who enjoy watching others. I also like that, I found it exciting when those wanted to see something more closely. what is your experience with ...

2 Reacties, 51 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,3.12 Score
Please use my body and gang bang me at a motel sometime!   17-02-2020

Hi sexy men, I may be hosting a gang bang and I will be the guest of honor and have all you men use my face, mouth, tongue, throat and my very tight ass to satisfy all of your cock's desires and kinky and perverted fantasies in any positions that you may want to use my body in to make you cum for hours and hours and hours too! I want to get a motel room sometime have a friend tie my hands ...

3 Reacties, 83 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,1.72 Score
Weeekend plans   08-02-2020

What do you all have goin on this nice weekend before it starts to rain again

0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
What should I   07-02-2020

Do I seem to have lost my pints

1 Reacties, 23 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,3.81 Score
4funnowsnj 49 M
1  Artikel
Dirty Secret   03-02-2020

I am still not overly attracted to men, but I have enjoyed sucking dick each time I have done it. <br><br> The idea of getting fucked is a wicked turn-on, but I just don't know. I am also scared of getting anything nasty - and I have a good hetero relationship I would not dare ruin. <br><br> But I have this longtime fantasy. Me, a girl, a guy. She and I suck his cock, ...

13 Reacties, 205 Bezichtigingen, 16 Stemmen ,5.04 Score
luvtolicurkity 56 M
5  Artikelen
trollin for points   02-02-2020

thats all

0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
youradventurecpl 49 S
1  Artikel
PTA Mom   01-02-2020

Trying to convicned my wife to write a blog about the time she worked her magic with a PTA mom & husband to hook up with us... Didn't take much convincing but it was a fun adventure to get to that night. <br><br> Should she write it for you all to read?

20 Reacties, 261 Bezichtigingen, 27 Stemmen ,6.61 Score
Squirting   31-01-2020

This is a topic I have always been curious about because I've always found it very sexy yet have never been fortunate enough to have sex with a woman who squirts. It seems to me that women who squirt cum more often, but again I'd be more curious to know if this is true? How much does it add to sex? What causes it? Why do some women have it and others don't? Just curious...lol

8 Reacties, 139 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,4.78 Score
Morning wood   31-01-2020

Why is it that even at 40 years old I still wake up with a hard on from time to time and have to relieve myself by masterbating? Sex struggles of a 40 year old single male...lol

2 Reacties, 44 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,2.94 Score
Lusting for the unknown   31-01-2020

A big turn on for me is being excited about unknown with a woman you dont know or havent seen yet. Wanting what never done yet. Do women think about that too?

1 Reacties, 21 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,3.70 Score
Mrcapa7 40 M
3  Artikelen
My first thresome   29-01-2020

My first some was an mmf. I was married at the time and we decided try threesomes spice it up. Long story short she said " if we try an mmf first". Little did she know it's what I wanted most, lol. It started for her pleasure and ended in a him/me/her sandwich. I never came so hard.

12 Reacties, 426 Bezichtigingen, 22 Stemmen ,6.97 Score
Illbcnu6969 37 M
9  Artikelen
Sperm taste   28-01-2020

Does eating different foods such as fruit change the way sperm tastes?

4 Reacties, 58 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,4.41 Score
Anyone else here been surprised?   28-01-2020

Has anyone else on here been surprised with something not too good? How did you deal with it? I have had a few woman that are much larger than pics. If she is nice I will finish the date til the end but had a few that after lunch we split ways.

0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
tripod2014 52 M
15  Artikelen
It's all about the points....It's all about the points....   26-01-2020

It's all about the ....It's all about the ....It's all about the ....It's all about the ....It's all about the ....

3 Reacties, 26 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,2.53 Score
Watching porn with your partner   25-01-2020

I would like to know what you think. My partner and I like to watch porn together when we have sex. Sometimes we like to role play and do exactly what they are doing position wise and we try tu when they do. It's trickier than it seems but we locve doing it. How about you?

21 Reacties, 159 Bezichtigingen, 28 Stemmen ,7.35 Score
Wayneb51841 42 M
5  Artikelen
Secret   23-01-2020

Secret points

3 Reacties, 56 Bezichtigingen, 13 Stemmen ,4.15 Score
your corner or mine?   22-01-2020

at the apartment swiming pool I met a an older and with a touch of gray but ever so sexy. I was wearing my shamefully tiny suit and enjoyed flirting as usual. He was enjoying looking as I could see a semi hard on. I learned he had a live in girlfriend but asked if I might be interested in having a drink with him. I said sure and stood and started to leave and he said oh no not right now. I ...

10 Reacties, 314 Bezichtigingen, 26 Stemmen ,6.37 Score
tripod2014 52 M
15  Artikelen
Points only....Points only....   21-01-2020

Points only....Points only....Points only....

4 Reacties, 28 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,5.56 Score
I want to know   19-01-2020

Jokes this was just for building

1 Reacties, 19 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,1.47 Score
I want to know   19-01-2020

Jokes this was just for building

3 Reacties, 19 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,1.30 Score
Ellsfun4311 38 M
7  Artikelen
Points   16-01-2020

Yup, just one of those I need posts

0 Reacties, 18 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,2.79 Score
Why is it?   16-01-2020

Why is it that I can share my stories here with no hesitation but cant even tell the people I am closest to. Is the anonymity? Am I afraid to be judged in the outside world? I can't even answer these questions. I would definitely love to see what others think.

1 Reacties, 22 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,4.06 Score
Why is it?   16-01-2020

Why is it that I can share my stories here with no hesitation but cant even tell the people I am closest to. Is the anonymity? Am I afraid to be judged in the outside world? I can't even answer these questions. I would definitely love to see what others think.

0 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,2.47 Score
A Little Trip part 3 (only Aunt Lisa)   16-01-2020

After an amazing weekend I returned back to my little town . I talked with Jen every couple days on the for the next couple months until she met a local guy and got serious with him. I talked with my Aunt Lisa every few days, but we never brought up the experiences we had together until about two months later. <br><br> My Aunt Lisa called and said she was coming to town that weekend ...

1 Reacties, 110 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,4.78 Score
Assmodeus33 39 M
1  Artikel
Taboo   16-01-2020

I am trying to beat my record of banging the oldest woman, I’m up to 62, wants to help me a higher level?

3 Reacties, 61 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,5.18 Score
KADenny98 25 M
1  Artikel
Favourite/Most Risk Public Sex   16-01-2020

What is the most risky place you've ever had public sex (or want to have)? It would be nice to get some ideas 😉

4 Reacties, 58 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,3.01 Score
fucking a neighbor   15-01-2020

for two years I watched my neighbor doing yard work often without a shirt and sweaty and sexy. I would fantasize about him after watching him while I was in the shower using the shower massage. And I was friends with his wife. She was just a young dumb country girl and never once thought about me wanting to fuck her husband. <br><br> One day he was home alone and locked himself out ...

7 Reacties, 377 Bezichtigingen, 41 Stemmen ,7.55 Score
over 40 and getting felt up   15-01-2020

LIke the title says I'm over 40, still sexy but not the 20 year old hottie anymore. Well I've been wearing leggings and yoga pants awhile because the are very comfortable but when I leave the house I'm wearing something that covers my ass. I like to wear one of Toms jerseys or a button up shirt of his because it's very comfortable and most say to some degree sexy but loose enough ...

5 Reacties, 200 Bezichtigingen, 31 Stemmen ,7.07 Score
Anal sex   15-01-2020

What is the best lube use when getting fucked in the ass?

5 Reacties, 74 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,5.33 Score
Partywild1620 40 M
6  Artikelen
Sweet spot   14-01-2020

What's your favorite spot ladies

1 Reacties, 19 Bezichtigingen, 5 Stemmen ,2.82 Score
strogen69 52 M
5  Artikelen
Sex with your in-laws?   14-01-2020

Is it a good idea to keep it a secret from your wife if you've had sex with their sister and mother if it's been a long time?

8 Reacties, 125 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,4.10 Score
Harleyjim71 51 M
6  Artikelen
Workplace flings   13-01-2020

What does everyone think about work place flings with married woman, I've been secretly meeting a married woman for awhile and enjoy the rush of seeing her at work and acting like I hardly know her

1 Reacties, 37 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,5.38 Score
mother in law   12-01-2020

I met a hottie that was older than me and I wanted her but it couldn't ever be because I was dating this hotties hot daughter. Had been dating daughter for couple months before meeting mom. They looked more like sisters size except mom was an inch taller and hair was a shade darker. Time goes by and I see mom in bikini and plenty of other things that turned me on and I wanted her more each ...

6 Reacties, 265 Bezichtigingen, 19 Stemmen ,6.42 Score
ain't I a bitch   11-01-2020

everyone always says pussy controls more than money, I wanted to either make my situation better or get fired or whatever. <br><br> my boss is a complete asshole towards the women that work for him. assigns shit jobs to those that he thinks are beneath him or not attractive but he's always been very careful about crossing any sort of inappropriate lines. <br><br> as ...

1 Reacties, 69 Bezichtigingen, 14 Stemmen ,4.42 Score
ain't I a bitch   11-01-2020

everyone always says pussy controls more than money, I wanted to either make my situation better or get fired or whatever. <br><br> my boss is a complete asshole towards the women that work for him. assigns shit jobs to those that he thinks are beneath him or not attractive but he's always been very careful about crossing any sort of inappropriate lines. <br><br> as ...

1 Reacties, 44 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,5.63 Score
A little Laugh   11-01-2020

When she uses her teeth to much, but you don't know how to tell her. Hahahahaha.

1 Reacties, 24 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,4.17 Score
A Little Trip part 3 (Aunt Lisa)   11-01-2020

Due to a lot of rude emails and unkind words I am waiting to release a little trip part 3.

0 Reacties, 31 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,2.86 Score
Anybody ready?   10-01-2020

Anybody ready for Aunt lisa part 3?

0 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
A Little Trip part 2 (Aunt Lisa)   10-01-2020

After I returned home from what I absolutely thought was a dream, I just sat there staring at the note. There were no details to explain, no explanation at all. But I did have Jen's number. <br><br> Later that night I decided to give Jen a call. I made small talk like any other person starting a conversation, then it came flying out of my mouth. Did I really Fuck you and my Aunt ...

1 Reacties, 86 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,4.79 Score
A little trip   10-01-2020

True Story <br><br> When I was 21, I flew out to Las Vegas to meet some friends for a bachelor party, but that's not where this story takes place. My return flight was going to be flying and really late night and I didnt want to drive the 4 hours home after that, so I called my aunt that lived near the Airport to see if I could crash there for the night. Of course she said it was ...

2 Reacties, 95 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,3.94 Score
tallcool2013 49 M
21  Artikelen
sex u feel guilty about   10-01-2020

done a bad bad thing?

1 Reacties, 40 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,1.26 Score
guychi35 39 M
3  Artikelen
Squirting   09-01-2020

What is everyone's experience with a squirter? The last one I had soaked med!!

5 Reacties, 38 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,5.10 Score
mrmoto3 58 M
11  Artikelen
Love you   08-01-2020

Watching wife get fucked turns her on She loves when i kiss her all over while she's getting banged wife also likes it when I lick her lovers ass while he's pumping her ass. She so sexy with her lover on top of her kissing her and slowly pushing his cock in and she lets suck her big tits while she holds on tight his ass as pumps load after load of cum in her well fucked pussy Her ...

0 Reacties, 68 Bezichtigingen, 14 Stemmen ,4.26 Score
tthickgirthfru 62 M
1  Artikel
The work and effort to find people   07-01-2020

I've been on Shemalez.nl - Shemale Dating, Tranny Chat - Shemalez and ALT.com for some time and find out how much work it takes to 1) figure out who is real 2) figure out who simply wants to have fantasies on line and 3) actually find people that want to meet. My experience has been that hook ups are quite difficult and then guilt on both sides often occurs and then you may never meet again or may be months till you chat again. I have ...

2 Reacties, 17 Bezichtigingen, 5 Stemmen ,2.82 Score
Gift Cards   07-01-2020

Okay this may seem like a Foolish question.Some people have said that you can buy gift cards and exchange them for Membership. Do certain gift cards work better than say a Prepaid visa or mastercard . Any feedback would be much appreciated

4 Reacties, 58 Bezichtigingen, 14 Stemmen ,3.94 Score
simonsays130 54 M
8  Artikelen
fantasy   06-01-2020

i have always wanted to lick a woman out after her man cums in her.

2 Reacties, 25 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,3.21 Score
Sex secrets?   06-01-2020

of confused about the topic here, and the postings really don’t shed much light either. Is this supposed to be like, some tricks you’ve picked up along the way? <br><br> I guess if that’s the case, I’ve recently (last year or so) come to realize just how much most women really like a forceful guy. I always knew that there were a few women out there who like it rough, but it ...

0 Reacties, 36 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,3.64 Score
I have sissy crossdressing cuck fantasizes   06-01-2020

They are just fantasy though Dont think i could actual go through with them

5 Reacties, 48 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,3.48 Score
Ladies Lingerie.....   05-01-2020

I love it when a woman wears lingerie and sexy panties. Do women feel sexy in lingerie and sexy panties or do women just wear them for their man/woman? Men/women should appreciate women that dress for them.

3 Reacties, 39 Bezichtigingen, 19 Stemmen ,4.71 Score
badmax71 52 M
4  Artikelen
Whips   05-01-2020

Can a crop be used at the start of a session or only during it?

2 Reacties, 16 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,3.19 Score
Oshoaaron 37 M
2  Artikelen
Friend's Mom Holiday Trip   04-01-2020

I was on a holiday, with family & my friend's family, both my mom and my friend's mom are close friends. We were staying in the same hotel. It was around 1 PM, everybody was outside and playing in the swimming pool except my friend's mom. She was having a hangover. I wanted to capture the surroundings in my camera but I did leave the camera in my hotel room, so I rushed to the ...

6 Reacties, 141 Bezichtigingen, 22 Stemmen ,4.57 Score
1980hwl 53 M
25  Artikelen
Secret desires   04-01-2020

Biggest turn on is being excited about unknown. Wanting what never done yet. Bi groups or so

3 Reacties, 36 Bezichtigingen, 15 Stemmen ,4.05 Score
1980hwl 53 M
25  Artikelen
Secret desires   04-01-2020

Biggest turn on is being excited about unknown. Wanting what never done yet. Bi groups or so

4 Reacties, 28 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,2.23 Score
1980hwl 53 M
25  Artikelen
Secret desires   04-01-2020

Biggest turn on is being excited about unknown. Wanting what never done yet. Bi groups or so

3 Reacties, 21 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,4.04 Score
1980hwl 53 M
25  Artikelen
Secret desires   04-01-2020

Biggest turn on is being excited about unknown. Wanting what never done yet. Bi groups or so

1 Reacties, 15 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,2.23 Score
1980hwl 53 M
25  Artikelen
Secret desires   04-01-2020

Biggest turn on is being excited about unknown. Wanting what never done yet. Bi groups or so

0 Reacties, 14 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,2.36 Score
1980hwl 53 M
25  Artikelen
Secret desires   04-01-2020

Biggest turn on is being excited about unknown. Wanting what never done yet. Bi groups or so

0 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,1.10 Score
1980hwl 53 M
25  Artikelen
Secret desires   04-01-2020

Biggest turn on is being excited about unknown. Wanting what never done yet. Bi groups or so

0 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,3.63 Score
1980hwl 53 M
25  Artikelen
Secret desires   04-01-2020

Biggest turn on is being excited about unknown. Wanting what never done yet. Bi groups or so

1 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,1.39 Score
Best sex practices   03-01-2020

Always wear a condom if you do not know the person very well. There are lots of dishonest people there.

3 Reacties, 21 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,3.73 Score
Adrianna180 27 V
2  Artikelen
Use lube for better anal penetration.   03-01-2020

Some of you may find it hard to move in and out of a girls asshole. If you use lube it makes the process 1000x easier.

2 Reacties, 13 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,2.08 Score
Sxynathong 40 M
1  Artikel
gentle   03-01-2020

worship the body follow all the curves learning what makes her or him shiver quiver or moan. knowing this for later you can gently make her cum multiple times as she is climaxing you move your finger tips across the sweet spots then stop and start again .

1 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,2.47 Score
:)   03-01-2020

also 4 the points

0 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,3.43 Score
Cream Pie   02-01-2020

Don't know why, but lately I've been getting off on eating wife's pussy after dumping a big load of cum in her.

0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
thugsterblack74 42 M
3  Artikelen
sexual desire   02-01-2020

How does it feel to put your dick inside the ass of a woman? Is it tight? Is it juicy? Does it really feel that good? <br><br> Thanks in advance for your response.

5 Reacties, 25 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,1.93 Score
points   01-01-2020

just writing this article for points.

2 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,3.55 Score
cockstar2016 38 M
2  Artikelen
Sex on the lake   01-01-2020

I was curious if anybody else like have crazy hot sex outdoors? I live on a large lake north of Charlotte and had a fwb that loved go out on the boat and find a secluded island for our adventures. She loved that fact that we were outdoors and naked! Just curious if anybody else likes it.

2 Reacties, 16 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,2.45 Score
wifes lover   31-12-2019

early in our mairreage i was gone a lot we had a friend was single and use to be around alot one i came back later inthe nite to see his car park in thr driveway i could see they were geting close and noice she had a sexy outfit on i was waiting to see if thiy were heading for bed room but was they did go and then another guy showed up then thing got interesting I was ad and very hard but could ...

3 Reacties, 118 Bezichtigingen, 20 Stemmen ,3.38 Score
wifes lover   31-12-2019

early in our mairreage i was gone a lot we had a friend was single and use to be around alot one i came back later inthe nite to see his car park in thr driveway i could see they were geting close and noice she had a sexy outfit on i was waiting to see if thiy were heading for bed room but was they did go and then another guy showed up then thing got interesting I was ad and very hard but could ...

1 Reacties, 52 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,3.78 Score
wifes lover   31-12-2019

early in our mairreage i was gone a lot we had a friend was single and use to be around alot one i came back later inthe nite to see his car park in thr driveway i could see they were geting close and noice she had a sexy outfit on i was waiting to see if thiy were heading for bed room but was they did go and then another guy showed up then thing got interesting I was ad and very hard but could ...

1 Reacties, 57 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,3.51 Score
tallcool2013 49 M
21  Artikelen
tell me   31-12-2019

<br><br> ?

1 Reacties, 16 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,3.08 Score
gigelo2007 35 M
7  Artikelen
oral sex tips   31-12-2019

Ladies, this oral sex tip is going to raise the bar on your fellatio game. Men have something called a prostate. It’s located in their anus about 2 inches up and when it’s stimulated it creates waves of blissful sensations. You will need a small silver bullet vibrator, warm water, and a teaspoon of honey. Add some of the honey to your tongue and lick his pleasure stick slowly. The honey also ...

2 Reacties, 38 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,3.80 Score
rodjames123 50 M
1  Artikel
I used to do Craigslist Casual Encounters   30-12-2019

When I lived in New York in the 2000s I would periodically answer ads in CL and meet up with girls that way. There was SO little vetting and SO much opportunity for an unfortunate or dangerous experience to happen. But nothing of the sort occurred. Instead, I would ride the subway out to a remote part of Brooklyn and a girl would let me into her parents van while they slept, and we would have ...

1 Reacties, 18 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,3.37 Score
The prostate   30-12-2019

Does something up the ass make sex more enjoyable?

2 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,3.92 Score
The prostate   30-12-2019

Does something up the ass make sex more enjoyable?

6 Reacties, 26 Bezichtigingen, 5 Stemmen ,4.45 Score
Edging my man   29-12-2019

Hi all! I was just curious about your opinion of your partner edging you. For the females, what are your thoughts. My man loves it and it makes his cock throb harder and harder until I make hime . I like to get him right up to the point of cumming and backing off. He loves it.

10 Reacties, 86 Bezichtigingen, 28 Stemmen ,6.83 Score
rockforddaddy1 35 M
0  Artikelen
My biggest secret   29-12-2019

I let my dog lick peanut butter off of my ass

1 Reacties, 21 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen
kfuller12345 37 M
2  Artikelen
Favorite Position   24-12-2019

What is everyones favorite position?

1 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
LoveSosa63 32 M
6  Artikelen
Got any secret fetishes?   23-12-2019

Whats you secret fetishes?

2 Reacties, 29 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,3.01 Score
LoveSosa63 32 M
6  Artikelen
Got any secret fetishes?   23-12-2019

Whats you secret fetishes?

3 Reacties, 32 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,4.21 Score
luv2eaturpusy69 56 M
5  Artikelen
Its no secret   23-12-2019

you need points on here

0 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,3.25 Score
6kitty_licker9 56 M
5  Artikelen
No points   22-12-2019

no sex on here if you're a standard

3 Reacties, 30 Bezichtigingen, 13 Stemmen ,3.14 Score
Wish i had more points   21-12-2019

Sucks on if u dont have points Lol getting points now

7 Reacties, 35 Bezichtigingen, 19 Stemmen ,4.44 Score
Wish i had more points   21-12-2019

Sucks on if u dont have points Lol getting points now

2 Reacties, 20 Bezichtigingen, 14 Stemmen ,4.10 Score
Wish i had more points   21-12-2019

Sucks on if u dont have points Lol getting points now

2 Reacties, 27 Bezichtigingen, 17 Stemmen ,4.40 Score
Terrine4123 40 M
6  Artikelen
Fun   21-12-2019

Would love hear how anyone got started into swinging

0 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,3.39 Score
dream star   18-12-2019

Is right to share with your partner your dream pornstar?

1 Reacties, 26 Bezichtigingen, 17 Stemmen ,3.27 Score
Coolhungdude 38 M
4  Artikelen
Work it   17-12-2019

I don't know if its a secret persay but the Hollywood affect on porn writing has been catastrophic to reality. Porn consistently for decades has pusbed the gspot in general as the top spot of stimulation when in reality women have multiple sensitive spots internally. Maybe Playboy should hire me as a eriter that works in the reality they currently dont know 😆🤣😂

1 Reacties, 30 Bezichtigingen, 19 Stemmen ,3.52 Score
SirHardDeepp 47 M
4  Artikelen
The most times you've masturbated in one day...   17-12-2019

How many?

6 Reacties, 47 Bezichtigingen, 19 Stemmen ,4.18 Score
SirHardDeepp 47 M
4  Artikelen
Watching or being watched...   17-12-2019

Which would you prefer?

5 Reacties, 27 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,4.39 Score
Justguy101 46 M
14  Artikelen
Big cocks   17-12-2019

Why is it that guys Isley with big tools end up looking like like they been hit by Mack truck or look trolls and most hot guys have little tools. Is this bad joke

3 Reacties, 32 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,2.14 Score
kw197804 45 M
5  Artikelen
Sex   17-12-2019

I live to play and be played with! I love s3x!

0 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen, 5 Stemmen ,2.82 Score
Biiigballs 38 M
2  Artikelen
The potion   15-12-2019

20 ml olive oil 1 g pure cbd isolate 1 peppermint essential oils <br><br> Mix well and use as an intimate massage oil. It makes gushers

3 Reacties, 33 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,5.08 Score
Biiigballs 38 M
2  Artikelen
The potion   15-12-2019

20 ml olive oil 1 g pure cbd isolate 1 peppermint essential oils <br><br> Mix well and use as an intimate massage oil. It makes gushers

0 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,2.94 Score
Littleboy2231 30 M
2  Artikelen
Should I transition?   15-12-2019

I've never fallen in love with a boy before, but the thought of being with one drives me wild: Submitting myself to him, being the prey, feeling him enter me and have his way with me all while kissing me and coaxing me to be his. It songs exhilarating! <br><br> On top of this, I'm way more feminine than I am masculine: I am shy, dainty, smaller build, enjoy cooking/baking. ...

1 Reacties, 22 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,3.55 Score
she was my neighbor   13-12-2019

And she wanted to day and night <br><br> she only lived next door and was always horny as a single mom.

7 Reacties, 95 Bezichtigingen, 23 Stemmen ,4.41 Score
Spidey604 46 M
6  Artikelen
Being the other guy?   13-12-2019

I have met an awesome women who I click so much with, have done dinner, movies, and lots of sex, great sex, but we met when both were attached....now i am not and she still is, she's basically married, and now i kinda want to date too, but i dont wanna mess up that hot relationship, but she has made it clear, if i go chat or join a site she is gone....tough spot to be in

2 Reacties, 27 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,2.51 Score
What’s your BIGGEST sex secret?   11-12-2019

Have you ever done anything secretive or maybe got caught in the action? I wanna hear others sex secret stories!

9 Reacties, 78 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,4.29 Score
villanovaguy 36 M
5  Artikelen
Blowjob tips?   11-12-2019

Looking for blowjob tips. anything you can think of that can help blow a guys mind.

5 Reacties, 50 Bezichtigingen, 14 Stemmen ,3.78 Score
Raw   11-12-2019

I set up a gloryhole at my place and invited over a 8” uncut cock over that I deepthroated for mins then bent over and pressed my smooth ass up the gloryhole and took a balls deep pounding for minutes he filled me full of his huge saved up load literally poured of me was the biggest load I have ever felt

4 Reacties, 28 Bezichtigingen, 13 Stemmen ,3.65 Score
Sissy secrets!   11-12-2019

ou see, I got my first taste of cock at a young age and simply loved it and had to have more. Benny was the lucky recipient of my second, third, and who knows how many blowjobs after my first when we were teenagers and then I went cold turkey on cock when I started dating girls and pretended to be straight. Cocks were ALWAYS in the back of my head so I could pretend to be straight on the outside ...

4 Reacties, 76 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,4.29 Score
simonsays130 54 M
8  Artikelen
fantasy   11-12-2019

love to have a 3 some with 2 cd/tv . when cums in the other and i go in straight after feel that cum around my cock

2 Reacties, 20 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,3.78 Score
Goldenman56x 67 M
7  Artikelen
Truth   10-12-2019

I went out with a woman in university but not until we were splitting up that she told that she use give blow jobs guys at once on weekends. They were not the same guys. This was the last time we talked and I guess she just wanted tell her secrets. Maybe it cleared her mind. The strange thing is I never thoudght less of her because of that. Is that strange? She was my first ...

1 Reacties, 23 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,3.73 Score
Goldenman56x 67 M
7  Artikelen
Truth   10-12-2019

I went out with a woman in university but not until we were splitting up that she told that she use give blow jobs guys at once on weekends. They were not the same guys. This was the last time we talked and I guess she just wanted tell her secrets. Maybe it cleared her mind. The strange thing is I never thoudght less of her because of that. Is that strange? She was my first ...

0 Reacties, 17 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,2.32 Score
Cumming multiple times   09-12-2019

When I was a lil I was able to multiple times without losing my wood, is this fairly common , or was I just a freak of nature ?

2 Reacties, 24 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,4.48 Score
Secrets   09-12-2019

Are there really any secrets?

3 Reacties, 18 Bezichtigingen, 5 Stemmen ,3.14 Score
mattab97 22 M
1  Artikel
Premature ejaculation   08-12-2019

How do people last longer

1 Reacties, 22 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,3.65 Score
Cock rings   08-12-2019

I never learned about these. I dont know about cock rings so I dont understand the advantage or disadvantages of having on. Any feedback would be appreciated.

5 Reacties, 42 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,3.21 Score
Same sex pleasures   08-12-2019

Why does it seem so acceptable to see 2 women having sex with each other, but so unacceptable for 2 men doing the same thing?

4 Reacties, 42 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,3.85 Score
Bigmorgan444 42 M
7  Artikelen
BDSM   08-12-2019

Anyone interest of kinky stuff?

0 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,1.73 Score
Bigmorgan444 42 M
7  Artikelen
BDSM   08-12-2019

Anyone interest of kinky stuff?

1 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,0.92 Score
simonsays130 54 M
8  Artikelen
anal   08-12-2019

Always wnted to try anal think about it all the time

2 Reacties, 18 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,5.20 Score
6luv2licu9 56 M
5  Artikelen
its no secret   08-12-2019

points are needed

0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
What is it?   07-12-2019

Does it right to hide some sex secrets and fantasies from your partner?

1 Reacties, 20 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,3.85 Score
Available4now2pl 53 M
4  Artikelen
Fucking me   07-12-2019

I am so wanting everyone to fuck me, i love to feel your hard cock sliding in my ass as you cum

3 Reacties, 23 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,3.48 Score
Couple2Grow69 40 S
8  Artikelen
Points   07-12-2019

Just points

6 Reacties, 20 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,4.49 Score
Couple2Grow69 40 S
8  Artikelen
Points   07-12-2019

Just points

5 Reacties, 23 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,5.10 Score
Swing low....   06-12-2019

When we went indoors for cocktails, we ran into Tony, the guy we'd met at Seth's office. He was there with his husband Craig. <br><br> "Oh hi!" Tony said to Chad. "Long time no see." <br><br> "Hey, " Chad replied, and we all shook each other's hands. <br><br> "How's your father doing? Is he here?" ...

1 Reacties, 22 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,3.80 Score
Longiron28 32 M
5  Artikelen
28m surfing Shemalez.nl - Shemale Dating, Tranny Chat - Shemalez pages   05-12-2019

So recently all these um save package I have are everywhere nice big dicks on every page. I dated girls and women my whole life some swinging with little to NO male on male play but lately I can’t help it I even started talking to a hot ass couple and now I’m kinda confused like I’m excited if we were closer I would do it this second I guess I just have no idea where this came from. It’s ...

3 Reacties, 24 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,2.86 Score
6luv2liku9 56 M
5  Artikelen
There is no secret   05-12-2019


0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,3.12 Score
Sucknfuckn3 32 M
5  Artikelen
Too much cum or never enough?   05-12-2019

So for all those lovers out there I wanna know what’s the perfect of ? Is there such a thing as too much? And what’s your opinion on if a cock can last a long time and bust one giant load or is doesn’t last as long but can multiple little times over a session? I know I like a long hard one that blows a huge mouth full all at once but what do other prefer?

3 Reacties, 33 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,4.85 Score
wa2blah 35 M
2  Artikelen
Anyone have any "tips of the trade"   04-12-2019

Just curious to know if anyone is willing to share their tips when it comes to sex?

2 Reacties, 16 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,1.77 Score
6lickuwet9 56 M
5  Artikelen
Its no secret   04-12-2019

no points no sex on here

0 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen, 5 Stemmen ,2.49 Score
NervousCD 51 T
1  Artikel
closet cd   01-12-2019

am a closet cd w no experience want to do a lot but nervous

8 Reacties, 53 Bezichtigingen, 16 Stemmen ,3.86 Score
69Goodatetnu 56 M
6  Artikelen
Its no secret   01-12-2019

you need points on here

0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,3.81 Score
eyecanplsyou 67 M
6  Artikelen
tit play   01-12-2019

Luv to with a womans tits when she is riding my face or cock. Here for the points.

3 Reacties, 16 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,3.58 Score
Question   01-12-2019

What are women most attracted to?

4 Reacties, 29 Bezichtigingen, 5 Stemmen ,2.82 Score
Mike24EastLA 34 M
2  Artikelen
Having sex with women with large breasts   30-11-2019

i love sucking on some big DD titties while she rides me or while i fuck her missionary. Anyone else love playing with some big natural tits?

5 Reacties, 31 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,5.18 Score
Swallowing cum loads!   29-11-2019

I don't know about every woman out there but as for me I love it when a man buries his cock deep into my mouth/throat and then decides when to fill me up with his cum loads too! There is nothing to compare to the taste and feeling of some really , thick, and creamy cum loads being shot down your throat as you swallow it all for your man as you look up at his face as he is enjoying the feeling ...

7 Reacties, 75 Bezichtigingen, 20 Stemmen ,4.91 Score
Georgiaman28119 30 M
18  Artikelen
1ashleyx   28-11-2019

1ashleyx I was wanting see if ya wanted go with me tomorrow?

0 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,2.51 Score
Hornyharry777200 50 M
2  Artikelen
Looking for real women,couples to play with.   28-11-2019

I am on here and want to meet real people for real fun , any takers?

1 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,1.10 Score
Hornyharry777200 50 M
2  Artikelen
Looking for real women,couples to play with.   28-11-2019

I am on here and want to meet real people for real fun , any takers?

0 Reacties, 9 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,0.53 Score
subforfemale 58 S
1  Artikel
Being a slut   27-11-2019

I would like to find from both and female. As you got older in your life did you find that you really wanted to be a true slut? I know how we change when we get older, so lets hear about it.

17 Reacties, 116 Bezichtigingen, 29 Stemmen ,5.95 Score
Longiron28 32 M
5  Artikelen
First time   26-11-2019

of a story also need advice. I’m a 28 straight/curious guy and over the summer was at a pool party and was approached by a beautiful y’all girl , almost my height (I’m 6’4) so I thought maybe it could be a tg but she was hot and fun well a few hours later we end up in my hotel room and she in fact had a package I topped her and it was amazing she left went out with friends and I went ...

2 Reacties, 68 Bezichtigingen, 14 Stemmen ,4.42 Score
Longiron28 32 M
5  Artikelen
First time   26-11-2019

of a story also need advice. I’m a 28 straight/curious guy and over the summer was at a pool party and was approached by a beautiful y’all girl , almost my height (I’m 6’4) so I thought maybe it could be a tg but she was hot and fun well a few hours later we end up in my hotel room and she in fact had a package I topped her and it was amazing she left went out with friends and I went ...

1 Reacties, 30 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,2.86 Score
303naughtyplay 36 M
6  Artikelen
haha points   26-11-2019

Just here for hte points. How many people post and take this stuff serious anyhow???

2 Reacties, 13 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,2.53 Score
Goodatetnu69 56 M
5  Artikelen
Ive gotta secret   26-11-2019

no points no sex...

1 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
Her first time   25-11-2019

She had heard anal was fun. <br><br> So, she tried it and luv'd it. <br><br> She like all here holes filled with goo and from her man. <br><br> She never went without it as often as possible.

3 Reacties, 30 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,3.15 Score
guychi35 39 M
3  Artikelen
Wheres the hottest place you have had sex??   25-11-2019

I have had the chance to have some wild sex in a few different places. On the beach in Mexico, in the back of a party bus etc.. Where are some of your places you have done it?

3 Reacties, 31 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,3.15 Score
TattdUp210 36 M
1  Artikel
Fwb   21-11-2019

Woman in 210 hmu

2 Reacties, 18 Bezichtigingen, 13 Stemmen ,1.13 Score
Public sex   21-11-2019

What's everyone's thoughts on public sex. Is it to find someone having sex.

3 Reacties, 33 Bezichtigingen, 14 Stemmen ,2.98 Score
Public sex   21-11-2019

What's everyone's thoughts on public sex. Is it to find someone having sex.

3 Reacties, 23 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,2.14 Score
villanovaguy 36 M
5  Artikelen
finding more hookups   20-11-2019

Any advice on how to find more hookups? my biggest roadblock is not finding anyone that can host, as I can't host. This place seems to be devoid of people with a place to hookup. Any advice would help

3 Reacties, 28 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,3.17 Score
Buying Points   20-11-2019

Is it Possible buy Points discretely, without having buy a Membership.And if so, How does one go about doing so. I have Credit cards but don't really want notifications or emails sent . Any help on this would be much appreciated

5 Reacties, 39 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,3.51 Score
Has Anyone ever been Asked by a Couple or a Lady to Impregnate Them   20-11-2019

Just Curious if anyone has been Approached by a Couple experiencing Fertility issues, Or by a Lady who has Selected you As a Donor ?

1 Reacties, 33 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,2.42 Score
nola4lifers 48 M
2  Artikelen
some things should stay secret   20-11-2019

shouldnt some things just stay secret?

4 Reacties, 28 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,4.58 Score
points   17-11-2019


0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
Readyman99x 38 M
2  Artikelen
Do you get kinki on the first date   17-11-2019

I love my ass to be played with and my balls to be sucked on...

4 Reacties, 41 Bezichtigingen, 16 Stemmen ,5.63 Score
Where   16-11-2019

Fuck her right in the pussy

2 Reacties, 20 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,2.79 Score
R2e1a9d0y0m9a0n 50 M
1  Artikel
Kink sex   16-11-2019

Is it ok on the first date

5 Reacties, 53 Bezichtigingen, 18 Stemmen ,4.49 Score
Markr6428 60 M
7  Artikelen
shared secret   16-11-2019

love going down on a woman first....making her cum..then penetrating in the middle of her orgasm.....seems help prolong her pleasure...and i love feeling her shaking under my body...squeezing my shaft

2 Reacties, 26 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,3.92 Score
youngohiodick69 25 M
2  Artikelen
The time i cheated   16-11-2019

The first time i ever actually cheated on my gf was with a ever since then i have done it a few more time and would like to keep doing it

4 Reacties, 45 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,1.50 Score
youngohiodick69 25 M
2  Artikelen
The time i cheated   16-11-2019

The first time i ever actually cheated on my gf was with a ever since then i have done it a few more time and would like to keep doing it

1 Reacties, 22 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,1.37 Score
Bilaljohn002 30 M
5  Artikelen
69   16-11-2019

Do you ever tried this??

0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
Readyman99x 38 M
2  Artikelen
Feels Good   16-11-2019

Is this ok to do because it feels so good

8 Reacties, 46 Bezichtigingen, 5 Stemmen ,5.10 Score
Sexy new things   15-11-2019

Has anybody discovered or found anything new in the bedroom? Some things kinda get boring.

10 Reacties, 44 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,5.04 Score
its ok to eat kitty   14-11-2019

is it ok if i want to only eat kitty especially bbw

4 Reacties, 26 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,4.28 Score
Mature women   14-11-2019

Is there a big scene of older ladies looking for guys in Chicago

1 Reacties, 14 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,2.09 Score
9Goodatbnbad6 56 M
6  Artikelen
Here's a secret....   14-11-2019

you need a lotta points to get sex on this site... Too many fakes!

2 Reacties, 16 Bezichtigingen, 5 Stemmen ,2.16 Score
Rimming is so effing hot   13-11-2019

For the guys it starts with a BJ. You mover her hair and lean to the side and watch that hot dock slide in and out of those juicy lips. You widen your "stance" and get some air aound your balls and taint inviting her to explore. Throat plunges on your shaft turn to tongue work up and down until the taint is in in play; that is the segue. The second you tilt back the slightest bit its ...

7 Reacties, 43 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,4.48 Score
First sex   13-11-2019

My first sexual experience came when I was 16 and she was 31

0 Reacties, 30 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,1.73 Score
6Goodatbnbad7 52 M
5  Artikelen
Here's a secret...   11-11-2019

I needed the points!

3 Reacties, 15 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,1.72 Score
BlessedBelow336 31 M
1  Artikel
I want sex lol   11-11-2019

It’s it bad to crave sex all the time is it bad that I’m fucking you in my mind the feeling I hide inside is much bigger than pride so come hop on this dick an take a ride

0 Reacties, 19 Bezichtigingen, 5 Stemmen ,1.51 Score
303naughtyplay 36 M
6  Artikelen
No Secrets   10-11-2019

why keep secrets, find a partner this down for what you are into and roll with it.

1 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,2.78 Score
cockstar2016 38 M
2  Artikelen
Edging.....Yah or Nah?   10-11-2019

Edging - Does anybody else like edge several times before cumming? I have found that getting right up the point of cumming and then stopping for just a sec then starting again over and over several times produces the absolute most intense climax ever. I've found that my partners like it too. First off I'm a pleaser. Pleasing my partner and helping her achieve orgasm over and over is my ...

3 Reacties, 30 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,4.85 Score
Any time   10-11-2019

So what part of the day is sex best? Is at night so you can crash or morning to get you off for the day? Nooners for fun or afternoon delights? Say when & why.

3 Reacties, 18 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,3.48 Score
parmakr62 47 M
4  Artikelen
How do I last longer?   09-11-2019

I can't seem to keep from cumming within a few minutes of . I try to slow down or stop, but it feels too good. I need all of the secrets to how to fuck for an extended period of time.

2 Reacties, 38 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,3.48 Score
ptlook87 37 M
5  Artikelen
my best blowjob ever   08-11-2019

best blowjob ever was from a 50 year old woman from this site, after meeting her at a bar, god, absolutly amazing

2 Reacties, 38 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,3.68 Score
points   07-11-2019


3 Reacties, 25 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,3.19 Score
Ackerson19 25 M
2  Artikelen
Mature Women   07-11-2019

The best thing about mature women is that they are always open to explore and the suck and fuk the best

6 Reacties, 48 Bezichtigingen, 16 Stemmen ,4.30 Score
Black73102 50 M
1  Artikel
Bds$m   06-11-2019


0 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,1.30 Score
rm_sweet2b4 59 S
5  Artikelen
Vacuums   06-11-2019

Guys have you ever used a vacuum cleaner to give yourself a blow job?

7 Reacties, 81 Bezichtigingen, 21 Stemmen ,2.88 Score
sundrop4u 40 M
3  Artikelen
first bi experience   06-11-2019

So i had been mulling around the idea of fooling around with a guy and was getting more and more interested in it. So i took to CL. i know, it really seemed like the only option tho. <br><br> if i was going to try something new, it was going to be on my terms and i couldnt find that here on Shemalez.nl - Shemale Dating, Tranny Chat - Shemalez and after a long while of communicating back and forth with 4 different potential playmates ...

3 Reacties, 85 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,4.29 Score
rmlookn4some14 55 S
7  Artikelen
Guys   06-11-2019

What's the most unusual object you've ever put in your ass? Don't say light bulb that one is already taken.

6 Reacties, 50 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,3.64 Score
rmlookn4some14 55 S
7  Artikelen
Weird objects in your pussy   06-11-2019

What is the most unusual object that you've ever put inside your pussy?

3 Reacties, 92 Bezichtigingen, 16 Stemmen ,3.42 Score
Cjkjw422 41 S
2  Artikelen
How do u train to last longer?   04-11-2019

So its been a while almost 5 months.. Just curious what some guys do when u finally get it but dont want to embarrass yourself and last longer than a couple mins.. Thanks

4 Reacties, 29 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,5.38 Score
young man for older   02-11-2019

for those of us who look for older women, what advice would you give?

2 Reacties, 31 Bezichtigingen, 14 Stemmen ,3.62 Score
tallsexybbc24 52 M
1  Artikel
pound pussy   02-11-2019

pond that pussy good

5 Reacties, 51 Bezichtigingen, 25 Stemmen ,5.34 Score
Strapons   02-11-2019

Does anyone have any hot stories involving strapons they’d like to share?

2 Reacties, 33 Bezichtigingen, 13 Stemmen ,2.14 Score
Having a bbc   31-10-2019

Having a BBC is a good thing, because woman love it, especially a white woman. They love BBC. And plus they say us BBC guys are very blessed.

4 Reacties, 43 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,4.04 Score
WOULD YOU   31-10-2019


9 Reacties, 45 Bezichtigingen, 20 Stemmen ,4.78 Score
Oh boy   30-10-2019

Weird category, I cant tell secrets im a magician sorry

0 Reacties, 14 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,2.78 Score
Fuckit91911 43 M
2  Artikelen
Stroking   30-10-2019

You won’t notice much at first. Be patient and keep it going. Stay relaxed. Relax your muscles around your penis and don’t squeeze. Eventually, you’ll start notice some pretty strong urges, the main one being just grab your penis and pump. Resist. Keep moving your finger around. Stay relaxed, and don’t squeeze those muscles. <br><br> Soon, you’ll feel an ejaculation coming ...

1 Reacties, 31 Bezichtigingen, 11 Stemmen ,1.67 Score
Oral sex   30-10-2019

I think oral sex is a must. Pleasing each other with your mouth is so erotic and sexy. It gets u the going keeps you intimate And shows trust.

5 Reacties, 29 Bezichtigingen, 16 Stemmen ,4.60 Score
Eatyouright912 34 M
5  Artikelen
Try to have fun   29-10-2019

Remember to always have fun

0 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,2.32 Score
Eatyouright912 34 M
5  Artikelen
Always eat her   29-10-2019

Eat that pussy good till she leaking

3 Reacties, 28 Bezichtigingen, 15 Stemmen ,4.36 Score
Eatyouright912 34 M
5  Artikelen
Dick her down   29-10-2019

Fuck her right like she needs it

0 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,1.66 Score
Bi8159 40 M
6  Artikelen
Hi   29-10-2019

Is there anyone out there that wants to chat

1 Reacties, 12 Bezichtigingen, 5 Stemmen ,3.14 Score
My Boss and her daughter   28-10-2019

Has anybody had an experience like this. I was really into this girl. and she wanted nothing to do with me, until i started her mom then they were both ontop of my dick constantly. fighting over it. tearing each other apart just for some dick

6 Reacties, 82 Bezichtigingen, 16 Stemmen ,3.42 Score
srqsucker 60 M
2  Artikelen
can host - suck - swallow -and keep secrets - sarasota - florida   28-10-2019

seeking oral minded men who need a safe place to go to get what they need contact me - gimme a face pic - and discretion - and we can go from there need a way to get hold of you - - or chatroom - imc

0 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,1.51 Score
Hardwoodwood2014 60 S
8  Artikelen
Ad boy   27-10-2019

Passed in sons bed his drunk wife came in and fucked me like a demon!! I think I fucked her too good

3 Reacties, 43 Bezichtigingen, 14 Stemmen ,2.66 Score
Longlastinhead91 33 M
5  Artikelen
Slow strokes   27-10-2019

Deep n slow keeps her wett

1 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,3.37 Score
Longlastinhead91 33 M
5  Artikelen
Try to have fun   27-10-2019

From the back is always the best

1 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,3.12 Score
Longlastinhead91 33 M
5  Artikelen
Always eat her   27-10-2019

Take it nice n slow blow her mind

2 Reacties, 11 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,3.93 Score
Hardwoodwood2014 60 S
8  Artikelen
Bad boy   27-10-2019

After fucking my friend and his wife she fell asleep and I fucked his ass I came deep! Drunk and never did it ever before!!😈😈😈

2 Reacties, 31 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,2.80 Score
RobDavenport 61 M
8  Artikelen
Oral sex without orgasm   27-10-2019

If you need a change in routine, try getting past intercourse-centric sex and get passionate about oral sex. Then, instead of the same licks and tricks, try different techniques to stimulate your partner orally including long strokes with the tongue, sucking lightly and gently on all parts of the genitals and exploring your partner’s body with your mouth. Take your time and don’t focus on an ...

1 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,4.22 Score
Letmegodeepslow 33 M
5  Artikelen
Try to have fun   27-10-2019

Go out do things n take her home n make love her

0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,1.10 Score
Letmegodeepslow 33 M
5  Artikelen
Dick her down   27-10-2019

Make sure you dick her down

0 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,1.10 Score
Letmegodeepslow 33 M
5  Artikelen
Always eat her   27-10-2019

Suck on that pretty clit

0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,5.20 Score
Letmegodeepslow 33 M
5  Artikelen
Have fun   27-10-2019

Role spice it up

0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
Financesurfer79 45 M
3  Artikelen
Daddy issues and sexual exploration   27-10-2019

Does the parental upbringing of a woman (or man for that matter) affect the sexuality of her as an adult?

1 Reacties, 18 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,1.69 Score
Logan031990 34 M
2  Artikelen
Latino does it better   26-10-2019

If disagree then please share your opinion

1 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen, 4 Stemmen ,3.25 Score
If only   26-10-2019

If only I could tell... but its a secret... weird category

0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen
Alanatantra 24 V
1  Artikel
What Is A Tantra Massage?   26-10-2019

While one might think tantric massage is all about mind-blowing orgasms, know that orgasms aren’t the ultimate goal of Tantra. While one of the beneficial effects of this sacred practice is increased pleasure and intensified orgasms, this should be a pleasant known as more like a fantastic bonus, not the primary goal. <br><br> What is a tantric massage experience like? Tantra ...

4 Reacties, 37 Bezichtigingen, 16 Stemmen ,4.30 Score
Longhardgoodbbc 33 M
5  Artikelen
I'm looking for fun in the 912   26-10-2019

Savannah hinesville Jesup Brunswick Pooler Richmond Hill ladies hit me up

0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
Longhardgoodbbc 33 M
5  Artikelen
Dick her down   26-10-2019

That's a must dick her down

0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen
Longhardgoodbbc 33 M
5  Artikelen
Try to have fun   26-10-2019

Do something with your girl fuck her good or I will

0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,2.40 Score
Longhardgoodbbc 33 M
5  Artikelen
Always eat her   26-10-2019

I'm looking for a sexy woman to please fwm

0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
playswithjizz 43 M
5  Artikelen
Vacation   26-10-2019

I often go out without panties on with the hopes i will get bent over. I really want it to happen in an alley or restroom. i get so turned on being in a new place with a stranger. i want to find groups everywhere i go.

0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
Oral Sex   25-10-2019

Let’s hear some of people’s secrets on giving earth shattering oral to a female. Actually let’s hear tips on blowjobs and rimjobs too.

1 Reacties, 22 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,4.17 Score
Home Minister bicycle around the first lab   24-10-2019

Hey everyone, If is there anyone looking for accommodation , starting from 1st of November till February I'm looking for someone exchange room. The location of the apartment is 2 station away from the Hbf and also it's nice and friendly family are renting the room. The rent is 400€. If you're interested please ☺

0 Reacties, 7 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,2.94 Score
Miztadeepstroker 38 M
5  Artikelen
Have fun   24-10-2019

Always have fun

1 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen
Miztadeepstroker 38 M
5  Artikelen
Always eat her   24-10-2019

Eat that thang

0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
Miztadeepstroker 38 M
5  Artikelen
Dick her down   24-10-2019

Make sure to fuck her right

1 Reacties, 5 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen
West Texas Odessa   23-10-2019

Sex Secrets...some well most can be very interesting and hot.. anyone care to share any.

0 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,2.40 Score
TheMadCatter13 25 V
1  Artikel
Downtown   23-10-2019

On the one hand, many guys don't know what they're doing down there, so their cute attempts at proper cunnilingus fail. <br><br> On the other hand, they won't learn unless you let them fail. <br><br> Not sure what the appropriate middle ground is.

5 Reacties, 21 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,4.58 Score
bigcock6061330 45 M
6  Artikelen
Why does sex feel good?   22-10-2019

Although the genitals are a key part of sex, its pleasurable sensations involve many parts of the body. Pleasurable sex heavily depends on the brain, which releases hormones that support sexual pleasure and interpret stimulation as pleasurable.

0 Reacties, 5 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,3.81 Score
bigcock6061330 45 M
6  Artikelen
Sex   22-10-2019

Sex and sexuality is about more than just two people, a bed, and a few aphrodisiacs. Scientists study why humans have sexual intercourse (it is good for you and good for the species) and how sex is driven by evolution, genes, emotions and more. There is also much to learn about the differing roles of men and women in the whole mating game. Yes, there's lots of science to explore. Not that an ...

0 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,2.40 Score
Always have fun   22-10-2019

ive found that the most important thing you can do is always make sure everyone is having fun. whether thats fun being sexy, fun cumming all over or just in general. if thats happening, sex cant be bad.

0 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
Kingcandyman912 38 M
6  Artikelen
Always eat her   22-10-2019

Lick lick lick it up make her wett

1 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,5.00 Score
Kingcandyman912 38 M
6  Artikelen
Try to have fun   22-10-2019

Make sure to enjoy it

0 Reacties, 2 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,3.81 Score
Looking for fun   21-10-2019

Hi, Mature here looking for cpl or female nearby area, kindly hit me up for fun and relationship,

0 Reacties, 8 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,0.49 Score
Kingcandyman912 38 M
6  Artikelen
Have fun   21-10-2019

Let's get it

0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
Kingcandyman912 38 M
6  Artikelen
Dick her down   21-10-2019

Slow long deep strokes

1 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,5.00 Score
Kingcandyman912 38 M
6  Artikelen
Try to have fun   21-10-2019

Fuck her right

0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,1.10 Score
Dutchie9696 32 M
6  Artikelen
perfect titties   20-10-2019

Damn I just love the women on here with titties that just defy their age.

0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,0.34 Score
Dutchie9696 32 M
6  Artikelen
perfect titties   20-10-2019

Damn I just love the women on here with titties that just defy their age.

0 Reacties, 3 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,0.34 Score
69davidren 55 M
7  Artikelen
What is the most erotic thing you have done with your clothes on?   20-10-2019

What is the most erotic thing you have done with your clothes on? <br><br> You can be erotic with clothes on and the experience could be even better than naked..... Thoughts?

0 Reacties, 5 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,1.04 Score
attentivephucker 31 M
3  Artikelen
Just for points and nothing else   20-10-2019

Im just doing yhis for piu t so i can have some juicy pussy

3 Reacties, 17 Bezichtigingen, 9 Stemmen ,4.07 Score
Secrets   19-10-2019

So what happens between some one stays between some one even if you straight drilled them and had them screaming and moaning 😂

0 Reacties, 6 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,1.04 Score
any tips on making a gal squirt?   19-10-2019

any tips on making a gal squirt?

6 Reacties, 31 Bezichtigingen, 12 Stemmen ,3.51 Score
Ba571983 49 M
1  Artikel
Having a one night stand   18-10-2019

Had several of these, my first one hot! It was this super cute girl I’ve met from Shemalez.nl - Shemale Dating, Tranny Chat - Shemalez and the day I texted her for a fuck is the day I’ve met her, she guides me into her house and had her to watch her little and then guided me into the bedroom and slipped off her cut off shorts and spread her legs open for me to go ahead and eat her out. After I got her all nice and wet and did a quickie ...

1 Reacties, 34 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,3.98 Score
Help me get some points   17-10-2019

Just here for the points

0 Reacties, 0 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
Help me help you   15-10-2019

The more points and bling I get, the more able to connect with you and have a great time!

0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen, 1 Stemmen ,3.70 Score
Your naughtiest secrets   13-10-2019

Tell me about your dirtiest secrets, the ones you keep deep inside.

6 Reacties, 56 Bezichtigingen, 13 Stemmen ,2.98 Score
MotoJunkie82 42 M
5  Artikelen
Looking for a secret   13-10-2019

I am great at oral. Looking for someone fit and wild.

0 Reacties, 4 Bezichtigingen, 2 Stemmen ,0.34 Score
3  Artikelen
Introducing BDSM play to a new partner or spouse   12-10-2019

I think it depends on the person because everyone doesn’t have a inner kink waiting for you say the right words bring it . However, I would start off with watching a mainstream or Hollywood movie, with the person, which has scenes included for the areas you want explore. The best bet would be make a joke or start a conversation during or a few seconds after the scene is over and based off ...

2 Reacties, 15 Bezichtigingen, 8 Stemmen ,3.25 Score
playswithjizz 43 M
5  Artikelen
car stroke   12-10-2019

i often will stroke while driving on the interstate. keeps me alert. i enjoy edging so fun to do for hours if i can. gets a little messy when i can't hold it though.

1 Reacties, 16 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,5.64 Score
playswithjizz 43 M
5  Artikelen
panties   12-10-2019

i have found i like thongs and it seems people like to see me in them. often times it leads to me pulling it to the side and fingering myself. once on cam there is no going back because me hard on shows i like it so i will do anything for viewers.

2 Reacties, 14 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,2.45 Score
playswithjizz 43 M
5  Artikelen
caught   12-10-2019

I like to masturbate to porn for long periods. sometimes i want to leave the windows open so the neighbor can see but chicken out. i want the neighbor to watch me and who knows what else. Sometimes when they have friends over i get so horny even though they can't see me.

1 Reacties, 10 Bezichtigingen, 3 Stemmen ,4.90 Score
appald1ck 38 M
1  Artikel
Cougars   11-10-2019

I don’t know what it is but I would love to make a cougar cum a few times.

4 Reacties, 18 Bezichtigingen, 5 Stemmen ,3.80 Score
Surprise!   11-10-2019

I’m a lucky guy, having met some beautiful women on this website. Frankly, some of league. Lol Anyway, of them swore she wasn’t a squirter, so I took that as a challenge. So we were having some fun, she was going nuts (which is an incredible feeling for me, by the way). I pulled , went her side, started sucking on her beautiful, large breasts. She was still going nuts. That’s when I ...

2 Reacties, 34 Bezichtigingen, 10 Stemmen ,3.39 Score
Foreplay?   11-10-2019

How much is too much, how little is too little? How long should it last?

4 Reacties, 17 Bezichtigingen, 6 Stemmen ,3.08 Score
submissive female   11-10-2019

are there any submissive female that like to be stretch and toys play that kinky tell me what you like to try and how kinky and u limts

1 Reacties, 28 Bezichtigingen, 7 Stemmen ,1.00 Score
Kink   10-10-2019

Mfm or ffm or fffm?

0 Reacties, 1 Bezichtigingen, 0 Stemmen
angelaa62 67 V
6  Artikelen
The Best Place..   10-10-2019

What would be your best place for sex? Would it be in your car, a bedroom, the bathroom, or maybe outside in the fresh air? Would it be in a public place where you know people can see you?

17 Reacties, 95 Bezichtigingen, 34 Stemmen ,6.12 Score